Asli cuma iseng aja, nyambil kerja nyambil yg macem2 dech..
Thanks GOD, girl can do anything in the same time^_^
sama dengan quiz2 lainya,isi terdiri dari beberapa pertanyaan.mgkn sekitar 9 pertanyaan.
disuruh pilih dar bbrp jawaban. Setalh isi dengan asal2..just for fun
dan ...viollaaaaaa...the answer is...
You're Almost Ready to Get Married, But Not Quite
( pic nya menyesuaikan dg hasil quiz..btw fotonya kesannya "ngerep" merrid y)
The reason :
No doubt that you've warmed up to the idea of marriage and life long love
You just aren't quite ready to follow up with your desires, yet.
You may be a bit young, or a bit commitment phobic... give it time.
Concentrate on guys who you can imagine being with next year. Forever can wait.
My explain :
Masa sih..kalo dibilang "almost" ready. yah dari segi niat plus calon nya (poocay,masih tetep dg niatnya kan) aj yg udah ada. Tapi hal2 "khusus" nya lum lagi. Biz masih mentok di "menunggu ijin" hehehehe..
tapi betul jg you've warmed up to the idea of marriage..sometime lah..
kadang comfort dg kesendirian, kadang jg gak pinggin sendirian lagi.
So Nabung2 aja yah buat The BidDay^_*
Moga aja nanti tiba saat dan waktu yang "tepat" menurut Ketetapan ALLAH SWT.
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